Pulau Manukan

Pulau Manukan is located off the coast of downtown Kota Kinabalu.
There are a number of tour operators provide day tour to Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park (which consists of the islands of Pulau Gaya, Pulau Sapi, Pulau Manukan, Pulau Sulug and Pulau Mamutik).

Manukan Island - an ideal getaway for a short break from the city. This shade-fringed island offers modern chalet accommodation, restaurants, and a swimming pool. A white sandy beach and fringing coral reefs teeming with marine life beckons the city-frazzled nature lover to swim, snorkel, dive and just unwind...

The beach at Pulau Manukan is less spectacular to Pulau Sapi, but people come to Pulau Manukan for the diving and snorkeling.

Its shortcomings above the water surface is compensated by the rich and colourful marine life underneath it.